Banner for Yaro-fes, self-publishing comic festival, on May 2, 2015, in Tokyo. I’ll join with one original art book and four original color postcards those are first on sale on this festival.
Gengoroh Tagame (田亀源五郎)’s new art book, Dessins, and postcards for Yarou Fest (野郎フェス), a doujinshi fair happening in Tokyo this Saturday! More info on Tagame’s News in English.
I wish MASSIVE could table at Yarou Fest this year. Anne and I met the curators at our party in Tokyo last fall, and they were super nice. Sadly, the timing just didn’t work out this year. We hope to join the fun in 2016! :)
Right after Yarou Fest, Tagame will be touring North America with stops in NYC, Toronto, and Los Angeles. Stay tuned for more info!
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